Our latest and currently most wanted product on the market is the Online Wheel of Fortune. The product is completely customizable for every company that chooses to buy our product. Every company can create their graphics of the wheel, define the type and number of prizes, number of spins in the marketing campaign, etc.

We currently have our demo version up and running, and you can test it out by typing the URL address: or simply scanning the QR code on the picture.

Playing the Wheel of Fortune is very simple, easy and almost anyone can do it. Here is a short description of how the wheel works:

  1. Customers can use their phones or tablets.
  2. The customer participates by scanning a QR code which is printed on some promotional material (for example flyers or even on bills in stores and restaurants), or on the tickets (for example tickets for a cultural event, football match, and other sporting events, where there is a large number of people).
  3. After scanning the QR code, the customers are redirected to an entrance page, where they insert their e-mail address and confirm that they agree with the rules of the marketing campaign (you can try it yourself by scanning the QR code on the picture).
  4. With that being done, they unlock the wheel. When the wheel is unlocked they can spin it, by tapping on it.
  5. After the wheel stops, they can see which prize they have won, and to claim the prize, they need to fill out the rest of the required data (name, surname, phone number, date of birth).
  6. Once they fill out all the required data, the customers immediately get a confirmation e-mail about the prize that they have won on the wheel. The e-mail also includes their data which they filled out in a previous form.
  7. The confirmation e-mail that the person who spins the wheel gets is also completely customizable and every company can define, what content do they want to send in the e-mail.

By running the Online Wheel of Fortune campaign you can:

– Attract new customers.

– Get their contact information by your choice (e-mail, phone number, etc.) for text and mailing campaigns (with their permission of course).

– Get new customers on the premises (they can only pick up the prize on the premises).

Online Wheel of Fortune
Online Wheel of Fortune