Corporate Internal Communication

November 2024

The Alpacem Group in Slovenia installed information screens at several of their locations, which are primarily intended to inform employees and have replaced classic notice boards

Case Study (download)

The Alpacem group in Slovenia (former SALONIT ANHOVO) set up, in cooperation with   G-Digital, a network of information screens at several of their locations. In addition to Slovenia, the companies of the Alpacem group operate in two other countries, too.
The information on the screens is primarily intended to inform employees about current events in the company and outside it, to raise awareness of the importance of safety at work, and to transmit current information in real-time (graphical display of emissions measurements, RSS news, …)
Information screens have completely replaced classic notice boards, and they are extremely well received by employees.
Digital Signage corporate internal information use, security at work
Digital Signage corporate internal information use

Wheel of Fortune on a circle LED screen

August 2024

We are excited to announce the launch of our newest product:

Wheel of Fortune on a big circle LED screen with two different dimensions and two different resolutions.

More on

wheel of fortune on LED display and touch screen
a circular wheel of fortune on led display

ICE London 2024

6-8 February 2024

Innovative, new, or improved products were presented at ICE 2024:

An attractive Wheel of Fortune supporting up to three independent marketing campaigns, improved Roulette and Punto Banco (Baccarat) Winning Numbers Displays, etc

G-digital on the ICE exhibition in london
G-Digital at the ICE exhibition with a roulette wheel and a wheel of fortune on a touchscreen

Punto Banco (Baccarat) displays

April 2023

We are very proud to announce that we have successfully installed Punto Banco displays at Admiral casino, Mendrisio, Switzerland

Casino management and the players are very happy with our solution because the graphics and display layout was adopted according to their needs and requirements.

Punto Banco (Baccarat) winning numbers display, Casino Admiral, Mendrisio, Switzerland
Punto Banco (Baccarat) winning numbers display, Casino Admiral, Mendrisio, Switzerland

ICE London 2023

7-9 February 2023

After three years of Covid-19 break we successfully returned to ICE London

G-Digital team at the ICE exhibition in London

BEGE Expo 2022

23-24 November 2022

G-Digital recorded another successful exhibition, showcasing their cutting-edge products at BEGE Expo 2022 in Sofia, Bulgaria.

G-Digital at the ICE exhibition with a roulette wheel and camera recognition
G-Digital team at the BEGE exhibition in Sofia, Bulgaria

Wheel of Fortune

December 2021

We are very proud to announce that we have successfully installed Wheel of Fortune in all the Admiral Casinos (10) in Slovenija.

Casino(s) management and the customers are very happy with our solution.

G-Digital Wheel of Fortune at Casino Admiral, Slovenia

ICE London 2020

  4-6 February 2020

 G-Digital recorded another successful exhibition, showcasing their innovative   and attractive products, including the new Wheel of Fortune marketing tool at ICE 2020 Gaming Exhibition in London, UK.

You can find out more news about the exhibition, by clicking on this link.

G-Digital team at the ICE exhibition in London

BEGE Expo 2019

20-21 November 2019

G-Digital recorded another successful exhibition, showcasing their cutting-edge products at BEGE Expo 2019 in Sofia, Bulgaria.

G-Digital team at the BEGE exhibition in Sofia, Bulgaria

ICE Totally Gaming 2019

5-7 February 2019

G-Digital showcased innovative and attractive products at the ICE 2019 gaming show in London.

G-Digital team at the ICE exhibition in London

BEGE Expo 2018

21-22 November 2018

G-Digital recorded another successful exhibition, showcasing their cutting-edge products at BEGE Expo 2018 in Sofia, Bulgaria.

G-Digital team at the BEGE exhibition in Sofia, Bulgaria

ICE Totally Gaming 2018

6-8 February 2018

G-Digital showcased innovative and attractive products at the ICE 2018 gaming show in London.

G-Digital team at the ICE exhibition in London