Casino Digital Signage can be used in casinos as Roulette Winning Number Display, Black Jack, Punto Banco – Baccarat results display, or just to display Jackpot.
Can be adopted to any other display format or resolution
Single sided or double sided
Completely configurable screen design according to customer’s requirements
Part of screen reserved for promotional and marketing messages
Promotional and marketing messages can be easily changed or scheduled from remote PC
Dealer’s interface: custom keyboard (see YouTube video)
Jackpot Media
Custom jackpot display
Completely configurable and settable
Any display size and resolution
Any number of jackpot levels
Can pull data from different sources: XML file, txt file, database, …
Triggers and shows jackpot winning animation(s)
Poker jackpot on live tables
Custom poker jackpot display
Completely configurable and settable
Jackpot rules, initial jackpot values, and increment of jackpot value after each game are defined by the operator
Any number of Poker tables can be connected to the system
Any display size and resolution
Any number of big displays showing jackpot value(s), adverts, and information can be connected to the system and placed anywhere inside or outside of the casino
Completely configurable display appearance with operator’s logo, jackpot value(s), space for advertising, and space for important information
Wheel of Fortune
Various options to participate in a marketing campaign: with a membership card, bar code, QR code on the bill or RFID card
The bar code required for participating in Wheel of Fortune game can be issued with the bill, when certain conditions are met (eg. purchase above a certain value)
Attractive solution for recruiting new members, added value for regular clients, opportunity to increase the visitor’s attendance and rewarding customer loyalty
Contents displayed on the Wheel of Fortune are completely adjustable based on a marketing campaign
In addition to messages, you can also display news, weather or sports results. This makes touchscreen more appealing to customers
Upon winning the prize, the customer receives a coupon that can be used to claim the reward at the cage, bar, info point,…
A part of the touchscreen display is reserved for promotional and marketing messages
The duration of the marketing campaign, the probability of winnings and the number of rewards are adjustable within the marketing campaign and its goals
Full control over the costs of a marketing campaign. The number and structure of rewards during it can be exactly specified
Quick and simple updating and editing of new or existing marketing campaigns
Simple editing of marketing and promotional messages
Daily statistical reports of a marketing campaign are generated automatically and sent to the e-mail